Green, green grass of home: Which plants are dangerous for cats and which are not?

Whether indoor plants or outdoor plants – cats like to nibble on greenery or plants because they think they are normal grass. Caution is advised here, because many houseplants, flowers and outdoor plants are poisonous or at least harmful to cats. 

Take special care with these plants

A classic example is the ponytail palm, which pussycats often mistake for grass or even cat grass with its tufted, thin leaves. However, it is, in fact, highly toxic for your pets! Other popular but poisonous plants include cyclamen, dracaena or even the yucca palm. You should not keep these in your home, as they will cause harm to your cat if it decides to nibble on them. Plants that have a white or coloured sap (milky sap) are also poisonous to cats. These include popular houseplants such as the rubber fig, the fiddle-leaf fig, the poinsettia and also many succulents.

Fragrance, bulbous and tuberous plants

Caution is also advised with strong, scented plants, which naturally attract your cat – especially orchids. As beautiful as they are, they are poisonous for cats due to the alkaloids they contain, as they severely damage the liver. Similarly, you should avoid having bulbs and tubers as houseplants or outdoor plants. This includes plants such as hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses, tulips or lilies of the valley – even if they are wonderful heralds of spring! Symptoms of poisoning after eating are diarrhoea and vomiting. In severe cases, your cat's kidneys will also be permanently damaged.

Here you will find a selection of popular houseplants that are highly toxic to your cat. Please note: This is just a short selection of examples and is not an exhaustive list of all dangerous plants!

  • Aloe Vera
  • Cyclamen
  • Dracaena
  • Devil's ivy
  • Ponytail palm
  • Zanzibar gem
  • Rubber fig
  • Monstera
  • Orchids
  • All succulents
  • Yucca palm

Pesticides and fertilisers – Careful when watering

Chemical additives in the water you feed your plants, such as pesticides and fertilisers, are particularly dangerous, especially if this water collects in the saucer, inviting the cat to drink. 

Harmless plants and flowers

The following herbs can be planted completely worry-free and placed within reach of your cat: Catnip, valerian, lavender, lemon balm and also curry herb. Catnip in particular is a real highlight for your feline friends and they will love it! Other plants that you can buy without hesitation and enjoy indoors or on the balcony are coconut palms, indoor bamboo, spider plants or even pansies. 

Caution with excessive consumption!  Even if your houseplants or outdoor plants are technically harmless to cats, your cat should not eat the plants to the point they are bare, as this can also lead to digestive problems or stomach discomfort. Even herbs are not harmless for cats! The essential oils contained in them are only tolerated by felines in small quantities. 

Our tip for you

Before you buy a new plant, first find out whether it could be dangerous for your pet! If it turns out that the plant is completely harmless, you not only have one less thing to worry about, but you can also enjoy the plant's splendour to the fullest extent.